Turkey Agrees to Resupplies Hasaka with Water


A. General Syria News

France condemned the regime’s “murderous offensive” on Dara city. The French foreign ministry said in a statement issued on Friday July 30 that, “the only way to put an end to the Syrian tragedy is through an inclusive political process, based on the various elements of UN Security Council Resolution 2245.”

B. Regime-held Territory

Regime media sources mourned the death of six soldiers who were killed in the fight in Dara in the last few days. Rebel sources, from their side, said they killed ten regime elements in an attack in the city of Jasem in the north of Dara province.
On the other hand, one child was killed in a regime fire in Dara city on Saturday.

C. HTS-held Northwest Syria (Idlib, Western Hama, Northern Latakia, western Aleppo)

Regime forces fired heavy artillery on rebel-held towns in southern Idlib and western Aleppo in the early hours of Saturday. There were no reports of casualties.

D. SDF-held Northeast Syria (Most of Raqqa and Hasaka, part of Deir Ezzor, parts of Aleppo: Manbij, Ayn Al Arab\Kobani, Tal Rifa’at.)

Allouk water facility which provides the city of Hasaka with water is back to work after being out of service for 35 days. Opposition media sources said an agreement between Russia and Turkey made operating the plant possible. According to the agreement, Turkey will supply the plant with water, while the self-administration authorities of SDF provide the Turkish-held areas of Tal Abyad and Ras Al Ayan with electricity.

E. ISIS Update

With support from the International Coalition warplanes, SDF announced arresting two ISIS elements near the town of Margada area in the south of Hasaka.
