Syria Daily: One Civilian Killed in Regime Shelling on Idlib

Monday, August 9, 2021

A. General Syria News

For the second time in a week, the regime’s news agency SANA accused the American forces of stealing Syrian oil. The agency reported on Monday that 80 American oil tankers left Syria through the Al Yarubia crossing with Hasaka heading towards Iraq.

B. Regime-held Territory

Dara: Iran-supported Division 4 in the regime’s army shelled the city of Dara in a time clashes were reported in more than one part of the city. Rebel elements attacked a military vehicle for the regime forces on the Sayda-Kuhayl road in the east of Dara. An unspecified number of regime elements were reported as either killed or wounded.

C. HTS-held Northwest Syria (Idlib, Western Hama, Northern Latakia, western Aleppo)

Idlib: Regime forces fired heavy artillery on the village of Ayn Larouz in the south of Idlib. One civilian was killed and an unspecified number of other civilians were wounded. Russian warplanes bombed the Shiekh Bahr area in the west of Idlib. There were no reports of casualties.

D. Turkish Influence Territory (Afrin, Azaz, Al Bab, Jarablus, Tal Abyad, Ras Al Ayn)

Afrin: Infighting erupted inside the city of Afrin between Ahrar Al Sharqya and Division 9; two groups from the Turkey-supported Syrian National Army (SNA.) The fighting left eight civilians wounded, among them were women and children. One militia commander was also wounded.

Ras Al Ayn: Elements from the Al Hamza Brigade (a group from the Turkey-supported SNA) dispersed by force a sit-in organized by locals in the village of Al Riwaya near the city of Ras Al Ayan. The villagers were protesting against raiding their homes by members of the Al Hamza group and searching them in rough way for no specific reasons.

E. SDF-held Northeast Syria (Most of Raqqa and Hasaka, part of Deir Ezzor, parts of Aleppo: Manbij, Ayn Al Arab\Kobani, Tal Rifa’at.)

Hasaka: Residents in the city of Amuda complained to opposition news sources that SDF is digging military tunnels in their city in addition to other surrounding villages on the border with Turkey. The residents added that SDF have dug hundreds kilometers of tunnels on the border with Turkey, showing their concerns that their homes and crops could negatively be affected by the holes created in the ground under them.

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